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Library of Congress

Librarian Charlize Kingston

Beiträge: 367

Bundesstaat: Bundesweit

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Sonntag, 10. November 2019, 14:28

Proportional House Seat Distribution Act


Inkraftgetreten am:

27. 11. 2019
Unterschrieben von President Teresa Ramsey-Prescott

Sixtieth Congress of the United States of Astor

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of Astor in Congress assembled:

Proportional House Seat Distribution Act, 2019
An act to provide for a fair and proportional distribution of seats in the House of Representatives.

Section 1 – Amending the FEA.
Chp. III Sec. 3 Ssec. 7 Federal Elections Act wird gestrichen.

Section 2 – Final Provisions.
Dieses Bundesgesetz tritt mit seiner Ausfertigung in Kraft.

Speaker of the House of Representatives

President of the Senate