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Archie Archivar

Librarian Charlize Kingston

Beiträge: 367

Bundesstaat: Bundesweit

  • Nachricht senden


Donnerstag, 25. November 2010, 17:41

Übersicht der sich im Archiv befindlichen Gesetzeskopien -- ACHTUNG, VERALTET!


Official Document

Übersicht der sich im Archiv befindlichen Gesetzeskopien
Stand: 30.11.2014

Übersicht: Sortiert nach Klassifizierung

Abrogation Acts
February 2008 Abrogation Act
ISO Abolition Act

Administrative Acts
Federal Administration and Authority Act
Presidential Succession Act
The Appointment and Dismissal from Office Act
Transition Act
United States Diplomacy Act

Armed Forces Acts
Military Health Care Act
Nuclear Strike Act
Operations of the Astorian Armed Forces Information Act
United States Armed Forces Act
United States Codes of Armed Forces

Citizenship Acts
Citizenship Act

Congressional Acts
Congressional Committees, Investigations and Questioning Act
Senate Hearings Procedure Act
State of the Union Report Act

Court and Penalty Acts
Code of Criminal Procedure Act
Counselor Act
Criminal Court Act
Criminal Court Installation Act
Death Penalty Repeal Act
Federal Prosecutors Act
Penal Enforcement Act
Presidential Reprieve and Pardon Act
Supreme Court of the United States Act
United States Penalty Code

Election Acts
Federal Election Act
Federal Election Appeal Act

Entry Acts
Regulation of Entering the United States Act
United States Passport and IDs Act

Financial and Economy Acts
Astorians Companies & Accounts Act
Banking Act
bsEcoSim Treaty Ratification Act
C-Net Treaty Ratification Act
Customs Duty Act
Economic Support Loan Act
Economy Reorganization Act
Federal Budget Act
Federal Debt Refund Act
Federal Enterprise Support Act
Federal Reserve Bank Act
Financial Administration Regulations Amendment Act
Start of the bsEcoSim Account System Act
Trade Regulations of Military Equipment Act
United States Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Act

Other Acts
Astorian Space Exploration Act
Federal Honors Act
Freedom of Marriage Act
National Holidays Act
Popular Petitions Act
United States National Symbols Act

Sanction Acts
Imperial Federation Sanctions Act
Restriction of Trade with Aurora Act
Restriction of Trade with the Federal Republic of Andro Act

Security and Protection Acts
Classified Information Act
Federal Institutions Police Act
Federal Investigation Branch Act
National Intelligence Act
National Security Agencies Act
Office of Homeland Security Act
Polar research and security Act
Privacy Protection Act

Traffic Acts
Regulation of Traffic Act
Transportation Infrastructure System and Authorities Act
Transportation Regulation Amendment Act

Übersicht: Sortiert nach Namen
Astorians Companies & Accounts Act
Astorian Space Exploration Act
Banking Act
bsEcoSim Treaty Ratification Act
C-Net Treaty Ratification Act
Citizenship Act
Classified Information Act
Congressional Committees, Investigations and Questioning Act
Code of Criminal Procedure Act
Counselor Act
Criminal Court Act
Criminal Court Installation Act
Customs Duty Act
Death Penalty Repeal Act
Economic Support Loan Act
Economy Reorganization Act
February 2008 Abrogation Act
Federal Administration and Authority Act
Federal Budget Act
Federal Debt Refund Act
Federal Election Act
Federal Election Appeal Act
Federal Enterprise Support Act
Federal Honors Act
Federal Institutions Police Act
Federal Investigation Branch Act
Federal Prosecutors Act
Federal Reserve Bank Act
Financial Administration Regulations Amendment Act
Freedom of Marriage Act
Imperial Federation Sanctions Act
ISO Abolition Act
Military Health Care Act
National Holidays Act
National Intelligence Act
National Security Agencies Act
Nuclear Strike Act
Office of Homeland Security Act
Operations of the Astorian Armed Forces Information Act
Penal Enforcement Act
Polar research and security Act
Popular Petitions Act
Presidential Reprieve and Pardon Act
Presidential Succession Act
Privacy Protection Act
Regulation of Entering the United States Act
Regulation of Traffic Act
Restriction of Trade with Aurora Act
Restriction of Trade with the Federal Republic of Andro Act
Senate Hearings Procedure Act
Start of the bsEcoSim Account System Act
State of the Union Report Act
Supreme Court of the United States Act
The Appointment and Dismissal from Office Act
Trade Regulations of Military Equipment Act
Transition Act
Transportation Infrastructure System and Authorities Act
Transportation Regulation Amendment Act
United States Armed Forces Act
United States Codes of Armed Forces
United States Diplomacy Act
United States Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid Act
United States National Symbols Act
United States Passport and IDs Act
United States Penalty Code

Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 17 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Federal Archive« (30. November 2014, 18:06) aus folgendem Grund: Aktualisierung