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Butterfly Blue


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Dienstag, 1. Oktober 2013, 17:32

Library of Congress Act

Mr. Speaker,

ich beantrage Aussprache und anschließende Abstimmung zu folgendem Gesetzesentwurf:

Library of Congress Act

Section 1 - Purpose and Citation

(1) Dieses Gesetz begründet die Library of the US Congress und bestimmt die Struktur der Sammlung von geltenden Gesetzen.
(2) Es soll zitiert werden als Library of Congress Act.

Section 2 – The Library of Congress

(1) Die Library of the US Congress untersteht dem President of Congress.
(2) Einzige Aufgabe der Library of the US Congress ist die Dokumentation der geltenden Gesetze in bestmöglich nachvollziehbarer Form.
(3) Die Gesetzessammlung folgt der im Anhang dargestellten Gliederung.
(4) Über die Verortung eines neu verkündeten Gesetzes in der Gliederung entscheidet der President of Congress gemäß den Zielen aus Subsection 2, sofern das Gesetz nicht selbst hierfür Regelungen trifft.
(5) Verkündete Gesetze sind unverzüglich in die Gesetzessammlung aufzunehmen.

Section 3 – The Structure of Corpus Juris

(1) Die Gesetzessammlung folgt dieser Struktur:

I. The Constitution

II. The Citizens
1. Civil Rights
2. Political Rights
3. Penal Law

III. The States

IV. The Federal Government and Policies
1. Congress
2. Judiciary
3. Administration (general)
a. Law enforcement
b. Commerce
c. EcoSim
d. Foreign Policy
e. Defense

Section 4 – Final Provisions

(1) Dieses Gesetz tritt am Tag seiner Verkündung in Kraft.
(2) Die Library of Congress wird am bisherigen Ort der Federal library etabliert.
(3) Die bestehenden Gesetze werden entsprechend der folgenden Übersicht zugeordnet:

I. The Constitution
- Constitution of the United States of Astor
- Amendment I
- Amendment II
- Amendment III
- Amendment IV
- Amendment V
- Amendment VI

II. The Citizens
1. Civil Rights
- Citizenship Act
- United States Passport and IDs Act
- Regulations of Entering the United States Act
- Freedom of Marriage Act
2. Political Rights
- Federal Election Act
- Federal Election Appeal Act
- Popular Petitions Act
- House of Representatives Election March 2013 Act
3. Penal Law
- Federal Penal Code

III. The States
- Empowerment of the States in the field of criminal justice and prosecution act
- Laurentiana Act
- Serena Act

IV. The Federal Government and Policies
1. Congress
- Congressional Investigations and Questioning Act
- Operations of the Astorian Armed Forces Information Act
- Senate Hearings Procedure Act
- State of the Union Report Act
- Library of Congress Act
2. Judiciary
- Federal Judiciary Act
- Constitution of Courts Act
- Supreme Court of the United States Act
- Code of Criminal Procedure Act
- Federal Prosecutors Act
- Presidential Reprieve and Pardon Act
3. Administration (general)
- Federal administration Act
- Presidential Succession Act
- The Appointment and Dismissal from Office Act
- Transition Act
- C-Net Treaty Ratification Act
- Privacy Protection Act
- United States National Symbols Act
- Federal Honors Act
4. Law enforcement
- Federal Investigation Branch Act
- Federal Institutions Police Act
- Penal Enforcement Act
5. Commerce
- Office of Labor Statistics Act
- Federal Reserve Bank Act
- Financial Administration Regulations Amendment Act
- Banking Act
- Transportation Infrastructure System and Authorities Act
- Transportation Regulation Amendment Act
- Promotion of Alternative Drives Act
- Astorian Space Exploration Act
- National Holidays Act
- Regulation of Traffic Act
6. EcoSim
- EcoSim Suspension Act
- bsEcoSim Treaty Ratification Act
- Start of the bsEcoSim Account System Act
- Economy Reorganization Act
- Federal Enterprise Support Act
- Federal debt refund act
7. Foreign Policy
- United States Diplomacy Act
- Nuclear Strike Act
- Polar Research and Security Act
- Regulation of Trade with Aurora Act
- February 2008 abrogation act
- Imperial Federation Sanctions Act
- ISO Abolition Act
8. Defense
- Classified Information Act
- United States Armed Forces Act
- United States Codes of Armed Forces
- Military Health Care Act
- National Intelligence Act
- National Security Agencies Act
- Office of Homeland Security Act
Butterfly Blue