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Sonntag, 9. September 2018, 21:48

Handlung:Besucht das Lokal.

13th and 24th President of the United States of Astor

Bearer of the Presidential Honor Star

Former Governor of New Alcantara
Theta Alpha Member

Elsa Frost

CEO of McQueen Petroleum

Beiträge: 216

Beruf: CEO

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

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Sonntag, 23. September 2018, 16:43

Handlung:Gönnt sich eine riesen Portion Chickenwings.

Ed Willey


Beiträge: 1 057

Beruf: Economist

Wohnort: El Conjunto

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

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Montag, 24. September 2018, 15:51

Governor Frost, what a surprise!

Edward L. "Ed" Willey (D-NA)
Montana Democrat
Former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee | Former NA Legislator | Former CLARK/SMITH September 2017 Campaign Manager
Former Senior Counselor to the President (Laval Administration) | Former White House Chief of Staff (Denton, Laval and Clark Administration) | Former Under Secretary of Commerce

Elsa Frost

CEO of McQueen Petroleum

Beiträge: 216

Beruf: CEO

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

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Montag, 24. September 2018, 19:10

Well Mister Willey, Governor no longer.

Ed Willey


Beiträge: 1 057

Beruf: Economist

Wohnort: El Conjunto

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

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Montag, 24. September 2018, 19:38

Of course not.
Handlung:hatte er den Wechsel keinesfalls verschlafen.
Aber Ehre, wem Ehre gebührt.

Edward L. "Ed" Willey (D-NA)
Montana Democrat
Former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee | Former NA Legislator | Former CLARK/SMITH September 2017 Campaign Manager
Former Senior Counselor to the President (Laval Administration) | Former White House Chief of Staff (Denton, Laval and Clark Administration) | Former Under Secretary of Commerce

Beiträge: 528

Wohnort: El Conjunto

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

What's Up?
Alles bleibt besser!
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Donnerstag, 27. September 2018, 10:00

Da es gerade wohl der Szene-Treffe für Staatspolitiker ist, schaut Christopher auch mal in den Laden und ordert ein vernüftiges Mal nach alcantarischer Art.
Christopher Miller
First Legislator of the Legislature of New Alcantara


Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2018, 13:51

Da es gerade wohl der Szene-Treffe für Staatspolitiker ist, schaut Christopher auch mal in den Laden und ordert ein vernüftiges Mal nach alcantarischer Art.

Hier ist es halt immer lecker :thumbup:

13th and 24th President of the United States of Astor

Bearer of the Presidential Honor Star

Former Governor of New Alcantara
Theta Alpha Member

Elsa Frost

CEO of McQueen Petroleum

Beiträge: 216

Beruf: CEO

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

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Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2018, 14:51

Ja und eigentlich kann man hier auch in Ruhe essen :D
Welcome Mister Miller, Mister President.
The three of you can have a seat if you want.

Beiträge: 528

Wohnort: El Conjunto

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

What's Up?
Alles bleibt besser!
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Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2018, 16:25

Handlung:Nimmt die Einladung gerne an und setzt sich und vertilgt seine leckere Speise stumm.
Christopher Miller
First Legislator of the Legislature of New Alcantara


Dienstag, 2. Oktober 2018, 19:06

Thanks, Ms. Frost. An honor!

13th and 24th President of the United States of Astor

Bearer of the Presidential Honor Star

Former Governor of New Alcantara
Theta Alpha Member

Elsa Frost

CEO of McQueen Petroleum

Beiträge: 216

Beruf: CEO

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

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Mittwoch, 3. Oktober 2018, 01:50

The honor is mine Sir, but it would seem First Legislator Miller is intimidated :D


Donnerstag, 4. Oktober 2018, 10:15

Handlung:Lacht schallend und schlägt Miller die Hand auf die Schulter.

No need to, Mr. Miller.

13th and 24th President of the United States of Astor

Bearer of the Presidential Honor Star

Former Governor of New Alcantara
Theta Alpha Member


Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2018, 10:50

Handlung:Futtert dann mal schweigend weiter.

13th and 24th President of the United States of Astor

Bearer of the Presidential Honor Star

Former Governor of New Alcantara
Theta Alpha Member

Beiträge: 528

Wohnort: El Conjunto

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

What's Up?
Alles bleibt besser!
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Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2018, 20:47

Handlung:Nimmt wohlwollend die ruhige Atmosphäre des Lokals wahr. ;)
Christopher Miller
First Legislator of the Legislature of New Alcantara

Beiträge: 1 610

Beruf: Politician

Wohnort: El Conjunto

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

What's Up?
United in diversity.
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Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2018, 23:16

Handlung:Hat mittlerweile auch von der Popularität des Lokals unter Staatspolitikern erfahren und kommt so abends vorbei.

Madam Governor, Mister President: my pleasure.

James F. Canterbury
Governor of New Alcantara
50th President of the United States
49th Vice President of the United States
Former Secretary of State
Former Attorney General
Former Special Advisor to the President
Former First Legislator
Former Governor

Elsa Frost

CEO of McQueen Petroleum

Beiträge: 216

Beruf: CEO

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

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Montag, 15. Oktober 2018, 12:02

Madam Governor no longer ;)


Montag, 15. Oktober 2018, 20:00

Mister President.

Handlung:Nickt ihm zu.

13th and 24th President of the United States of Astor

Bearer of the Presidential Honor Star

Former Governor of New Alcantara
Theta Alpha Member

Beiträge: 1 610

Beruf: Politician

Wohnort: El Conjunto

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

What's Up?
United in diversity.
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Montag, 15. Oktober 2018, 20:20

Well the title stays, Miss Frost ;).
Handlung:Begrüßt President Scriptatore ebenfalls.

James F. Canterbury
Governor of New Alcantara
50th President of the United States
49th Vice President of the United States
Former Secretary of State
Former Attorney General
Former Special Advisor to the President
Former First Legislator
Former Governor


Donnerstag, 27. Dezember 2018, 15:02

Merry Christmas, Ladies and Gentlemen!

13th and 24th President of the United States of Astor

Bearer of the Presidential Honor Star

Former Governor of New Alcantara
Theta Alpha Member

Beiträge: 528

Wohnort: El Conjunto

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

What's Up?
Alles bleibt besser!
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Freitag, 11. Januar 2019, 18:04

Handlung:Gönnt sich nach längerer Zeit mal wieder was Handfestes im Restaurant.
Christopher Miller
First Legislator of the Legislature of New Alcantara