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Elius Nunokawa Formerly known as "Cornelius" Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee of Astor, Democratic Party
Former Governor of Serena
Elius Nunokawa Formerly known as "Cornelius" Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee of Astor, Democratic Party
Former Governor of Serena
Elius Nunokawa Formerly known as "Cornelius" Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee of Astor, Democratic Party
Former Governor of Serena
Elius Nunokawa Formerly known as "Cornelius" Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee of Astor, Democratic Party
Former Governor of Serena
Elius Nunokawa Formerly known as "Cornelius" Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee of Astor, Democratic Party
Former Governor of Serena
Elius Nunokawa Formerly known as "Cornelius" Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee of Astor, Democratic Party
Former Governor of Serena
Elius Nunokawa Formerly known as "Cornelius" Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee of Astor, Democratic Party
Former Governor of Serena
Elius Nunokawa Formerly known as "Cornelius" Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee of Astor, Democratic Party
Former Governor of Serena
Elius Nunokawa Formerly known as "Cornelius" Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee of Astor, Democratic Party
Former Governor of Serena
solange kein Gouverneur gewählt ist, übernehme ich kommissarisch die Amtsgeschäfte des Gouverneurs nach folgend zitiertem Verfassungstext.
Article III – The Executive Section 3 [Substitution and Vacancies]
(2) Sind sowohl der Governor als auch der Lieutenant Governor abwesend oder zur Führung ihrer Amtsgeschäfte nicht in der Lage, so soll nach einem Zeitraum von sieben Tagen kommissarisch derjenige nicht abwesende und ausdrücklich dazu bereite Bürger Serenas, der am längsten Bürger der Vereinigten Staaten ist, die Geschäfte in Vertretung führen. Nicht abwesend ist derjenige Bürger Serenas, der innerhalb der letzten sieben Tage vor Eintritt der geschäftsführenden Vertretung aktiv am öffentlichen Leben der Republic of Serena teilgenommen hat.
(5) Ist aus welchen Gründen auch immer am letzten Amtstag eines scheidenden Governors noch kein neuer Governor gewählt, soll die Vertretungsregel für das Amt des Governor aus SSec. 2 angewandt werden, bis ein Governor gewählt ist und sein Amt angetreten hat.
Elius Nunokawa Formerly known as "Cornelius" Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee of Astor, Democratic Party
Former Governor of Serena
Elius Nunokawa Formerly known as "Cornelius" Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee of Astor, Democratic Party
Former Governor of Serena
Elius Nunokawa Formerly known as "Cornelius" Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee of Astor, Democratic Party
Former Governor of Serena
Elius Nunokawa Formerly known as "Cornelius" Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee of Astor, Democratic Party
Former Governor of Serena
Alex, was kann ich für dich tun,
ich denke du wirst nicht zu einer verspäteten Geburtstagsfeier laden möchten
Elius Nunokawa Formerly known as "Cornelius" Chairman of the Executive Committee of the Democratic National Committee of Astor, Democratic Party
Former Governor of Serena