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Social education worker, owner of the Thomson's Bookstore
«A part-time worker is fully employed, half the time. In other words, they are part-time unemployees.» ― Jarod Kintz
«I believe in a relatively equal society, supported by institutions that limit extremes of wealth and poverty. I believe in democracy, civil liberties, and the rule of law. That makes me a liberal, and I’m proud of it.» ― Paul Krugman
former Governor of Freeland | Gouverneur de Frélande Mayor of Gareth | Mairie de Guérrehet Intendant Freeland Summer Concert Conductor in Residence of the Freeland Symphony Orchestra
Hallo, Mr. Governor. Danke für den kurzfristigen Termin.
Vielleicht haben Sie ja schon mitbekommen, dass ich für das House kandidiere.
Social education worker, owner of the Thomson's Bookstore
«A part-time worker is fully employed, half the time. In other words, they are part-time unemployees.» ― Jarod Kintz
«I believe in a relatively equal society, supported by institutions that limit extremes of wealth and poverty. I believe in democracy, civil liberties, and the rule of law. That makes me a liberal, and I’m proud of it.» ― Paul Krugman
Ja, das habe ich bereits vernommen.
Sie wissen, dass, sollten sie gewählt werden, sie ihren Ministerposten abgeben müssen?
† 12/08/2017
former Governor of Freeland | Gouverneur de Frélande Mayor of Gareth | Mairie de Guérrehet Intendant Freeland Summer Concert Conductor in Residence of the Freeland Symphony Orchestra
Leider habe ich das auch feststellen müssen und wollte deshalb auf diesem Wege mit Ihnen darüber sprechen.
Social education worker, owner of the Thomson's Bookstore
«A part-time worker is fully employed, half the time. In other words, they are part-time unemployees.» ― Jarod Kintz
«I believe in a relatively equal society, supported by institutions that limit extremes of wealth and poverty. I believe in democracy, civil liberties, and the rule of law. That makes me a liberal, and I’m proud of it.» ― Paul Krugman
Nun, was wollen sie denn da besprechen?
Ich finde es schade, dass ein so engagierter, junger Mann wie Sie es sind, die Staatsregierung verlässt, aber dafür wird der Bund von ihren Taten entscheidend profitieren können, so bin ich überzeugt.
† 12/08/2017
former Governor of Freeland | Gouverneur de Frélande Mayor of Gareth | Mairie de Guérrehet Intendant Freeland Summer Concert Conductor in Residence of the Freeland Symphony Orchestra
Leider konnte ich in der kurzen Amtszeit nicht verwirklichen, was ich mir vorgenommen hatte. Sie können aber wissen, dass Sie die erste Person sein werden, an die ich mich wende, sobald ich mich wieder auf die Politik auf State-Ebene konzentriere.
Social education worker, owner of the Thomson's Bookstore
«A part-time worker is fully employed, half the time. In other words, they are part-time unemployees.» ― Jarod Kintz
«I believe in a relatively equal society, supported by institutions that limit extremes of wealth and poverty. I believe in democracy, civil liberties, and the rule of law. That makes me a liberal, and I’m proud of it.» ― Paul Krugman
Mr. Thomson, ich denke kaum, dass das in dieser kurzen Amtszeit überhaupt möglich gewesen wäre. Und, wenn sie sich wieder auf die Staatsebene konzentrieren wissen wir noch lange nicht, ob ich noch immer Governor of Freeland bin.
† 12/08/2017
former Governor of Freeland | Gouverneur de Frélande Mayor of Gareth | Mairie de Guérrehet Intendant Freeland Summer Concert Conductor in Residence of the Freeland Symphony Orchestra
Ich bin mir sicher, Mr. Cambrel, dass der Wähler Ihre aktive Arbeit belohnen wird.
Social education worker, owner of the Thomson's Bookstore
«A part-time worker is fully employed, half the time. In other words, they are part-time unemployees.» ― Jarod Kintz
«I believe in a relatively equal society, supported by institutions that limit extremes of wealth and poverty. I believe in democracy, civil liberties, and the rule of law. That makes me a liberal, and I’m proud of it.» ― Paul Krugman
Das werden wir sehen. Ich wünsche Ihnen jedenfalls viel Erfolg. Soll ich sie jetzt schon entlassen, damit sie sich auf ihr neues Amt vorbereiten können, oder erst wenn sie gewählt wurden?
† 12/08/2017
former Governor of Freeland | Gouverneur de Frélande Mayor of Gareth | Mairie de Guérrehet Intendant Freeland Summer Concert Conductor in Residence of the Freeland Symphony Orchestra
Ich nehme an, dass ich für jeden Tag im Amt bezahlt werde. Dieser Staatsgelder wegen bitte ich Sie, mich zu entlassen.
Social education worker, owner of the Thomson's Bookstore
«A part-time worker is fully employed, half the time. In other words, they are part-time unemployees.» ― Jarod Kintz
«I believe in a relatively equal society, supported by institutions that limit extremes of wealth and poverty. I believe in democracy, civil liberties, and the rule of law. That makes me a liberal, and I’m proud of it.» ― Paul Krugman
former Governor of Freeland | Gouverneur de Frélande Mayor of Gareth | Mairie de Guérrehet Intendant Freeland Summer Concert Conductor in Residence of the Freeland Symphony Orchestra
Social education worker, owner of the Thomson's Bookstore
«A part-time worker is fully employed, half the time. In other words, they are part-time unemployees.» ― Jarod Kintz
«I believe in a relatively equal society, supported by institutions that limit extremes of wealth and poverty. I believe in democracy, civil liberties, and the rule of law. That makes me a liberal, and I’m proud of it.» ― Paul Krugman
Hier ist ihre Entlassungsurkunde. Ich danke Ihnen vielmals für ihre Mitarbeit.
† 12/08/2017
former Governor of Freeland | Gouverneur de Frélande Mayor of Gareth | Mairie de Guérrehet Intendant Freeland Summer Concert Conductor in Residence of the Freeland Symphony Orchestra
Social education worker, owner of the Thomson's Bookstore
«A part-time worker is fully employed, half the time. In other words, they are part-time unemployees.» ― Jarod Kintz
«I believe in a relatively equal society, supported by institutions that limit extremes of wealth and poverty. I believe in democracy, civil liberties, and the rule of law. That makes me a liberal, and I’m proud of it.» ― Paul Krugman
former Governor of Freeland | Gouverneur de Frélande Mayor of Gareth | Mairie de Guérrehet Intendant Freeland Summer Concert Conductor in Residence of the Freeland Symphony Orchestra
Social education worker, owner of the Thomson's Bookstore
«A part-time worker is fully employed, half the time. In other words, they are part-time unemployees.» ― Jarod Kintz
«I believe in a relatively equal society, supported by institutions that limit extremes of wealth and poverty. I believe in democracy, civil liberties, and the rule of law. That makes me a liberal, and I’m proud of it.» ― Paul Krugman