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Former Senator for Laurentiana
Former Governor of Laurentiana
Former Member of the House of Representatives
Former Lieutenant General (NG) and
Commandant of the Laurentiana National Guard
Ian, der Warrant Officer den du ernannt hast ist ja mal ein guter Fang.
Redet der mit dem Jeremy wie so ein Bauer von Bellavista.
Während er in die Windel gemacht hat, hat Jeremy Dienste für den Staat verrichtet.
fr. Almighty Administrator of the Social Conservative Union fr. Almighty Congressman from Laurentiana fr. Almighty Chairman of the Republican Party fr. Almighty Party Secretary of the Republican Party fr. Almighty Senator of the State of Laurentiana fr. Almighty Lieutenant Governor of the State of Laurentiana
Was erwartet man denn, ich mein der Junge hat überhaupt keine Talente...was solls.
Es sieht sehr gut aus, auch mit dem Termin.
fr. Almighty Administrator of the Social Conservative Union fr. Almighty Congressman from Laurentiana fr. Almighty Chairman of the Republican Party fr. Almighty Party Secretary of the Republican Party fr. Almighty Senator of the State of Laurentiana fr. Almighty Lieutenant Governor of the State of Laurentiana
Ach was, ein paar schwarze Koffer und der Zoll hat nichts gesehen.
fr. Almighty Administrator of the Social Conservative Union fr. Almighty Congressman from Laurentiana fr. Almighty Chairman of the Republican Party fr. Almighty Party Secretary of the Republican Party fr. Almighty Senator of the State of Laurentiana fr. Almighty Lieutenant Governor of the State of Laurentiana
Die almachische Weise ist zwar nicht die sauberste dafür aber die schnellste und einfachste.
Kümmere dich darum dass der Tölpel nicht als Governor oder Senator kandidiert sonst ist hier alles vorbei.
fr. Almighty Administrator of the Social Conservative Union fr. Almighty Congressman from Laurentiana fr. Almighty Chairman of the Republican Party fr. Almighty Party Secretary of the Republican Party fr. Almighty Senator of the State of Laurentiana fr. Almighty Lieutenant Governor of the State of Laurentiana
Dein Wort in Gottes Ohr Ian, dein Wort in Gottes Ohr.
fr. Almighty Administrator of the Social Conservative Union fr. Almighty Congressman from Laurentiana fr. Almighty Chairman of the Republican Party fr. Almighty Party Secretary of the Republican Party fr. Almighty Senator of the State of Laurentiana fr. Almighty Lieutenant Governor of the State of Laurentiana
Ian! Ich habe gerade einen 23 Millionen Dollar Deal abgeschlossen!
fr. Almighty Administrator of the Social Conservative Union fr. Almighty Congressman from Laurentiana fr. Almighty Chairman of the Republican Party fr. Almighty Party Secretary of the Republican Party fr. Almighty Senator of the State of Laurentiana fr. Almighty Lieutenant Governor of the State of Laurentiana