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There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. You can bear this warning voice to generations yet to come. I look upon war with horror.
General; Former Commandant of the United States Marine Corps;
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
Marines never die, they just go to hell to regroup.
Eine Liste, in der man erkennt, welche Haupt-ID welche Neben-, State- und so weiter IDs hat.
There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. You can bear this warning voice to generations yet to come. I look upon war with horror.
General; Former Commandant of the United States Marine Corps;
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;
Marines never die, they just go to hell to regroup.
XLVIII. VP | Former Secretary of State (Z. Voerman I & II Administration) | Former Secretary of Commerce (B. Laval II Administration) | Former National Security Advisor (M.C. Lugo I & II Administration)
Nettes neues Profilbild Timothy Das alte war ja wirklich nicht ansehbar
James F. Canterbury Governor of New Alcantara
50th President of the United States
49th Vice President of the United States
Former Secretary of State
Former Attorney General
Former Special Advisor to the President
Former First Legislator
Former Governor
XLVIII. VP | Former Secretary of State (Z. Voerman I & II Administration) | Former Secretary of Commerce (B. Laval II Administration) | Former National Security Advisor (M.C. Lugo I & II Administration)
50th President of the United States
49th Vice President of the United States
Former Secretary of State
Former Attorney General
Former Special Advisor to the President
Former First Legislator
Former Governor
"Suchergebnisse 1-20 von insgesamt 1 000 für »neben-id«. Es gibt noch weitere Suchergebnisse, bitte verfeinern Sie Ihre Suche."
Well then ...
Ich will nur etwas Kultur, Radio und Nachrichten machen für Ämter und so weiter habe ich weder Zeit noch Lust, brauche ich nun also eine Haupt-ID mit Staatsangehörigkeit oder wie oder was. Der Citizenship Act oder wie der heisst ist da schwammig.
Und ich bin der Lande im Schafspelz falls es jemanden interessiert.
Moderatorin und Redakteurin bei Astoria State Freedom Broadcasting und Alternative Culture Broadcasting Service
Der Hamilton Globe sucht zum Bsp noch Mitarbeiter.
XLVIII. VP | Former Secretary of State (Z. Voerman I & II Administration) | Former Secretary of Commerce (B. Laval II Administration) | Former National Security Advisor (M.C. Lugo I & II Administration)
Wieso ist die Top-Level-Domain des Forums aus Samoa? (.ws)
James F. Canterbury Governor of New Alcantara
50th President of the United States
49th Vice President of the United States
Former Secretary of State
Former Attorney General
Former Special Advisor to the President
Former First Legislator
Former Governor