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Declan Fitch

Governor of Astoria State

Beiträge: 2 178

Beruf: Governor, Representative

Wohnort: Astoria State

Bundesstaat: -

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Sonntag, 2. August 2009, 11:37

Naja, erstmal nicht, erst als es weitgehend gelöscht war. Aber ich kenn die ja eh vom KatS, deswegen durft ich etwas früher rein, bin aber wieder raus, weil Stromausfall war.
1965 - 2009
Father, Husband, Governor, Representative

Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
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Sonntag, 2. August 2009, 11:44


Original von Declan Fitch
Naja, erstmal nicht, erst als es weitgehend gelöscht war. Aber ich kenn die ja eh vom KatS, deswegen durft ich etwas früher rein, bin aber wieder raus, weil Stromausfall war.

Ah gut, das klang vorhin so als hätten die dich die ganze Zeit drin gelassen :P Das wäre nämlich leicht unprofesionell und gefährlich :D

Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State

Declan Fitch

Governor of Astoria State

Beiträge: 2 178

Beruf: Governor, Representative

Wohnort: Astoria State

Bundesstaat: -

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Sonntag, 2. August 2009, 11:56


Original von Quinn Michael Wells
unprofesionell und gefährlich :D

Ich möchte mich nicht weiter zur Feuerwehr in Trier äußern :D
1965 - 2009
Father, Husband, Governor, Representative

Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
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Sonntag, 2. August 2009, 12:11


Original von Declan Fitch


Original von Quinn Michael Wells
unprofesionell und gefährlich :D

Ich möchte mich nicht weiter zur Feuerwehr in Trier äußern :D

=) So schlimm können die doch gar nicht sein... wenn's das nächste mal brennt kannst ja uns aus Unterthingau im Ostallgäu nachfordern, wir sind dann auch in n paar Stunden da :D

Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State

Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
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Montag, 3. August 2009, 00:13

Gute Nacht Astor :) So viel wie heute hab ich hier glaub ich noch nie an einem Tag geschrieben :P

Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State

Norman Howard Hodges

Elder Statesman

Beiträge: 3 091

Wohnort: Gareth, Freeland

Bundesstaat: -

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Montag, 3. August 2009, 00:45


Original von Quinn Michael Wells

Gute Nacht. :P

Ulysses Q. Monroe

The 26th U.S. President

Beiträge: 2 373

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

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Montag, 3. August 2009, 06:33


Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
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Montag, 3. August 2009, 07:30

Guten Morgen

Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State

Richard D. Templeton

Former U.S. President

Beiträge: 3 819

Beruf: Former President

Wohnort: New Beises

Bundesstaat: Laurentiana

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Montag, 3. August 2009, 08:08

Aufstehen, arbeiten! :P
Former XXV. President of the United States
Former Governor & Senator of the State of Savannah

Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
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Montag, 3. August 2009, 08:18


Original von Richard D. Templeton
Aufstehen, arbeiten! :P

Ne du, arbeiten tu ich nur nachts :P

Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State

Richard D. Templeton

Former U.S. President

Beiträge: 3 819

Beruf: Former President

Wohnort: New Beises

Bundesstaat: Laurentiana

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Mittwoch, 5. August 2009, 07:00

Guten Moin!
Former XXV. President of the United States
Former Governor & Senator of the State of Savannah

Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
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Mittwoch, 5. August 2009, 10:48

Morgähn :)

Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State

Norman Howard Hodges

Elder Statesman

Beiträge: 3 091

Wohnort: Gareth, Freeland

Bundesstaat: -

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Freitag, 7. August 2009, 06:02

Einen wunderschönen guten Morgen, Astor. :)

Declan Fitch

Governor of Astoria State

Beiträge: 2 178

Beruf: Governor, Representative

Wohnort: Astoria State

Bundesstaat: -

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Freitag, 7. August 2009, 08:58

Guten Morgen... Ich bin irgendwie noch gar nicht richtig wach.
1965 - 2009
Father, Husband, Governor, Representative

Steve McQueen

THE General!

Beiträge: 7 177

Wohnort: Montague County

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

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Freitag, 7. August 2009, 11:08

Guten Morgen...ich hab keinen Bock runter zu gehen und das CHaos von der Party zu beseitigen.
There is many a boy here today who looks on war as all glory, but, boys, it is all hell. You can bear this warning voice to generations yet to come. I look upon war with horror.

General; Former Commandant of the United States Marine Corps;
Former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff;

Marines never die, they just go to hell to regroup.

McQueen Petroleum

Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
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Samstag, 8. August 2009, 04:08

Gute Nacht... oder guten Morgen... wie man's nimmt ;-)

Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State


Mittwoch, 12. August 2009, 23:56

Gute Nacht!

13th and 24th President of the United States of Astor

Bearer of the Presidential Honor Star

Former Governor of New Alcantara
Theta Alpha Member

Ulysses Q. Monroe

The 26th U.S. President

Beiträge: 2 373

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

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Donnerstag, 13. August 2009, 06:43


Handlung:Macht das Licht an.

Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
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Freitag, 14. August 2009, 00:26

Mich seid ihr fürs erste auch mal los. Nein, nich zu laut jubeln, ich nerv nachher weiter, aber ich brauch ja meinen Schönheitsschlaf :P

Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State

Richard D. Templeton

Former U.S. President

Beiträge: 3 819

Beruf: Former President

Wohnort: New Beises

Bundesstaat: Laurentiana

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Freitag, 14. August 2009, 00:28

Den nehme ich mir jetzt auch. Schlaft's gut! 8)
Former XXV. President of the United States
Former Governor & Senator of the State of Savannah