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Teresa Ramsey-Prescott ✅ @VPOTUS
As a citizen of Assentia and a citizen of Astor, I would like to sincerely thank Director van der Wellen for his many years as Director USEO. Mistakes happen to everyone once. Nevertheless, he leaves behind large footprints into which his successor will step. Thank you vdW!
Ulysses Knight ✅ @KnightSen
After many requests of close friends and colleagues I am hereby declaring, that I am fully ready to take the office of Director USEO. I will be a fair and gracious Director, for whom the people's true representation is number one priority.
It's up to Congress now...
fr. Governor of the State of Laurentiana
Teresa Ramsey-Prescott ✅ @VPOTUS
We are currently working hard to finalize the administrative personal details so that they can be proposed to the Senate. I look forward to excellent, predestined secretaries for Astor's thriving future.
Teresa Ramsey-Prescott ✅ @POTUS
Congratulations to the newly elected Speaker of the House and President of Senate, Duangan and Cortez. I'm looking forward to work closely with them to improve the connection between White House and Congress.
Julian Atakapans ✅ @AtakapansGOV
As mentioned earlier, we are referring to the Supreme Court in order to restore the constitutionality of our law and to once again guarantee our citizens equality and freedom.
#press statement
Governor of the State of Laurentiana
Former Chief of Staff of the WH
Former Director of the United States Electoral Office
David Russell ✅ @therealDavidRussell
How does Mr. Canterbury know, who is representing the GC in front of the court?
David Elliot Russell (R -LA)
House Minority Leader
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »David Russell« (21. Oktober 2019, 15:00)
Because court proceedings are public information, Mr. Russel.
James F. Canterbury
Governor of New Alcantara 50th President of the United States
49th Vice President of the United States
Former Secretary of State
Former Attorney General
Former Special Advisor to the President
Former First Legislator
Former Governor
Ben Kingston ✅ @POTUS55
I am very excited and glad that the Federal District Act has finally passed through Congress. Since this negotiation was my administration’s first success, I’d be happy to offer my support to President Ramsey-Prescott, in order to ensure a smooth transition for the federal neigborhood!
55th President of the United States
47th & 49th Speaker of the House of Representatives
29th President of the U. S. Senate
Former Congressman
Former Senator
Eric M. Antony ✅ @EricMAntony
I owe an appology to the astorian people: Mein Umzug aus Astoria war aus privaten Gründen schon länger eine Option und sollte jetzt aus verwaltungstechnischen Gründen früher erfolgen* , auch wenn ich meinen Heimatbundesstaat Astoria sehr schätze und ihm verbunden bin. Die Übermittlung der Umzugsmeldung an das USRO ist unglücklicherweise erfolgt, bevor ich mich bei den Behörden meines neuen Wohnortes – dem wunderbaren Fraternvillage-Bleunissante – gemeldet hatte. Für dieses Missgeschick trage ich die Verantwortung und ich möchte President @Teresa Ramsey-Prescott: von Herzen für ihr besonderes Verständnis danken. Mein ursprünglicher Plan war es, mich nach der Abstimmung im Senat zu dieser Sachlage zu äußern, um die Entscheidung der Senatorinnen und Senatoren über meine Person und nicht die Entschuldigung erfolgen zu lassen. Nachdem aber mein persönliches Versagen bisweilen als Versagen der Administration gedeutet wird, erscheint mir diese Stellungnahme schon jetzt angebracht.
Eric M. Antony
56. Vice President of the United States
Former Governor of the State of Astoria | Former Attorney General of the State of Astoria
Liberty State
Sophie Deveraux ✅ @Sophie Deveraux
My Veep Anthony, what a scold you are!
And when your Girl is down, how bold you are!
Of charity how oddly scant you are!
How Lang O Veep, how full of Cantuar!
Rebecca Ibanez
Sophie Deveraux
Business & Politcal Acumen
Dieser Beitrag wurde bereits 1 mal editiert, zuletzt von »Sophie Deveraux« (22. Dezember 2019, 00:14)
Teresa Ramsey-Prescott ✅ @POTUS
The First Gentleman and myself wishes everybody a #MerryChristmas/span> and #HappyHolidays/span> !
Handlung: Erkundigt sich bei @Lilah Morgan: wann die Wahl denn eingeleitet werde.
Handlung: Hakt in dieser Sache nochmals nach.
Es wäre an der Zeit die Wahlen auszuschreiben - aber wo ist die Direktorin des USEO?
Eugene Duangan
U.S. Representative from Shenghei / Serena
Offensichtlich macht Ms Morgan einen ausgedehnten Urlaub.
Kathleen Teresa Johnson (D -AS)
Former U.S. Senator for Astoria | Former Chairwoman, Congressional Committee on Justice and Ethics
Former Commoner of the Assembly of the State of Astoria | Former Speaker of the Assembly of the State of Astoria
Helen C. Montgomery | 57th President of the United States
Teresa Ramsey-Prescott ✅ @POTUS
I have given my vote today! Use your democratic right and go vote! #election2020/span> !
MoGo20 ✅
@Helen Montgomery
businesswoman, Republican Candidate in the January 2020 Presidential Election
Democracy means using his right to vote, so did I.
Helen C. Montgomery | 57th President of the United States
Helen Montgomery ✅
@Helen Montgomery
President-elect of the Unites States
Congrats to the re-elected Governor of Astoria as well as to my republican colleague John Hadley.
Helen C. Montgomery | 57th President of the United States
Helen Montgomery ✅
@Helen Montgomery
President-elect of the Unites States
Good to see a strong republican result in the House-Elections. Rep. Russell will do a good job representing the Astorian People. Democratic Majority will be challenging.
Helen C. Montgomery | 57th President of the United States
Bineta Martinique ✅ @BMartinique
Congratulations to #republican/span> President @Helen Montgomery: for a full White House of old white men!
#nodiversity/span> #partyofwhiteman/span> #regression/span>
Former WH Communications Director for President Teresa Ramsey-Prescott
Cathy O’Malley ✅ @VP
Congratulations to the #Democrats /span> for conveniently leaving out that this Administration is the first since 16 previous Administrations and only the second in history to have strong women as @POTUS and @VP . #fakenews/span>
Catherine O’Malley
Deputy of the State Assembly
57th Vice President of the United States
39th & 41st Governor of Assentia
Former White House Chief of Staff
Former White House Press Secretary
Former Deputy Secretary of the Interior
Former Deputy Secretary of Commerce
Former Deputy White House Chief of Staff