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  • Gaius Libertas

    a.k.a. "Guy Liberty"

    Sie müssen sich registrieren, um eine Verbindung mit diesem Benutzer herzustellen.

What's Up?


Komplette Konversation

Sonntag, 19. Februar 2017, 21:05

von Gaius Libertas

The Justices are intimidating. They are often abrupt, sometimes rude, all formidable. You make a single misstep, you are likely to lose.


Komplette Konversation

Samstag, 30. August 2014, 04:11

von Gaius Libertas

Fiat iustitia et/ut/aut pereat mundus.


Komplette Konversation

Dienstag, 18. Februar 2014, 23:45

von Gaius Libertas

The Justices are intimidating. They are often abrupt, sometimes rude, all formidable. You make a single misstep, you are likely to lose.

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