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Republican Party: Suchard, Matt

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Matt Suchard

...the one and only

Beiträge: 512

Wohnort: El Conjunto, NA

Bundesstaat: -

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Montag, 1. Februar 2010, 04:33

Suchard, Matt

Ich wuerde gerne der republikanischen Partei beitreten. :)
Dr. h.c. Matt Suchard
- Libertarian Republican -

~ Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves. ~

Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
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Montag, 1. Februar 2010, 09:11

- Bureau of the Chairman -

Welcome to the Grand Old Party, Mr. Suchard.

Hiermit sind Sie in die Republican Party aufgenommen.
Um Zutritt zur Parteizentrale zu erhalten bitte ich Sie sich noch in der entsprechenden Benutzergruppe anzumelden.

Sincerely yours

Quinn Michael Wells
Chairman of the Republican Party

Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State

Matt Suchard

...the one and only

Beiträge: 512

Wohnort: El Conjunto, NA

Bundesstaat: -

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Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2010, 00:41

Bitte dann noch das PW. Danke!
Dr. h.c. Matt Suchard
- Libertarian Republican -

~ Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves. ~

Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
  • Nachricht senden


Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2010, 17:01


Original von Matt Suchard
Bitte dann noch das PW. Danke!

SimOff: (Klicken, um Beitrag zu lesen)
Bitte dann mal in ICQ anhaun. Danke ;)

Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State

Matt Suchard

...the one and only

Beiträge: 512

Wohnort: El Conjunto, NA

Bundesstaat: -

  • Nachricht senden


Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2010, 00:00


Original von Quinn Michael Wells
SimOff: (Klicken, um Beitrag zu lesen)
Bitte dann mal in ICQ anhaun. Danke ;)

SimOff: (Klicken, um Beitrag zu lesen)
Scherzkeks...wenn ich im ICQ bin, liegst Du meistens schon in der Heia... Schicks mir per PM oder ICQ...
Dr. h.c. Matt Suchard
- Libertarian Republican -

~ Freedom is the will to be responsible to ourselves. ~

Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
  • Nachricht senden


Donnerstag, 4. Februar 2010, 06:12

SimOff: (Klicken, um Beitrag zu lesen)
Scheint sich ja erledigt zu haben. ;)

Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State