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Samstag, 25. August 2007, 17:12

2nd Election Act Amendment Bill

Mr Speaker,

ich beantrage Aussprache und Abstimmung über folgenden Entwurf:

2nd Election Act Amendment Bill

Article 1 -Changes in Article III
Article III des Election Act wird ersatzlos gestrichen.

Article 2 -Changes in Article IV and V
(1) Article IV des Election Act wird zu Article III.
(2) Article V des Election Act wird zu Article IV.

Article 2 -Final clause
Das vorliegende Gesetz tritt am Tage seiner Verkündung in Kraft.

13th and 24th President of the United States of Astor

Bearer of the Presidential Honor Star

Former Governor of New Alcantara
Theta Alpha Member


Samstag, 25. August 2007, 17:22

The United States of Astor
President of Senate

Astoria City, 25th of August 2007

Dear Mr Senator Scriptatore

dem Antrag auf Aussprache und Abstimmung (Bearbeitung durch den Kongress) wird stattgegeben.

Alricio Scriptatore
President of Senate

13th and 24th President of the United States of Astor

Bearer of the Presidential Honor Star

Former Governor of New Alcantara
Theta Alpha Member