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Beiträge: 1 610

Beruf: Politician

Wohnort: El Conjunto

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

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Sonntag, 13. November 2016, 18:47

Motions and Messages from the Canterbury Administration

White House, Astoria City, AS | November 13th, 2016


I herby nominate

Mr. Joshua Barnes as Vice President
Mr. Alasdair MacIntyre as Secretary of Commerce
Mr. Tod Lodbrok as Secretary of Defense
Mrs. Béatrice Laval as Secretary of State
Mr. Ulysses Seamor Champton as Attorney General
Mr. Richard Ravensbourgh as Associated Justice of the Surpreme Court of the United Staes

James F. Canterbury
President of the United States

James F. Canterbury
Governor of New Alcantara
50th President of the United States
49th Vice President of the United States
Former Secretary of State
Former Attorney General
Former Special Advisor to the President
Former First Legislator
Former Governor

Beiträge: 1 610

Beruf: Politician

Wohnort: El Conjunto

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

What's Up?
United in diversity.
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Montag, 14. November 2016, 18:57

Dear President Bowler,
I hereby temporarily repeal the nominations above.


James F. Canterbury

James F. Canterbury
Governor of New Alcantara
50th President of the United States
49th Vice President of the United States
Former Secretary of State
Former Attorney General
Former Special Advisor to the President
Former First Legislator
Former Governor

Beiträge: 1 810

Beruf: Leader of the Church of Unitology

Wohnort: Santa Rosa

Bundesstaat: Laurentiana

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Montag, 14. November 2016, 19:51

Handlung:Beantwortet den Notizzettel.
Jonathan James Bowler

Leader of the Church of Unitology

Beiträge: 1 610

Beruf: Politician

Wohnort: El Conjunto

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

What's Up?
United in diversity.
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Montag, 14. November 2016, 20:48

Bedankt sich und weist darauf hin, dass ihm das auch recht ist.

James F. Canterbury
Governor of New Alcantara
50th President of the United States
49th Vice President of the United States
Former Secretary of State
Former Attorney General
Former Special Advisor to the President
Former First Legislator
Former Governor

Beiträge: 1 610

Beruf: Politician

Wohnort: El Conjunto

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

What's Up?
United in diversity.
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Samstag, 26. November 2016, 05:16

Mr. President,
Ich möchte den neugewählten Congressmen meine Glückwünsche ausrichten und Ihnen alles Gute wünschen. Außerdem hoffe ich, dass das Repräsentantenhaus bis zum Ende der Legislaturperiode aus 5 Congressmen besteht und keine Abgeordneten ihr Mandat verlieren.

James F. Canterbury
Governor of New Alcantara
50th President of the United States
49th Vice President of the United States
Former Secretary of State
Former Attorney General
Former Special Advisor to the President
Former First Legislator
Former Governor

Beiträge: 1 610

Beruf: Politician

Wohnort: El Conjunto

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

What's Up?
United in diversity.
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Donnerstag, 1. Dezember 2016, 17:10

White House, Astoria City, AS | December 1, 2016


I herby nominate

Mr. Ernie Sandhurst as Vice President of the United States
Mr. Ernie Sandhurst as Secretary of Commerce
Mr. Travis Lodbrok as Secretary of Defense
Mrs. Béatrice Laval as Secretary of State
Mr. Alan Stanliss as Associated Justice of the Surpreme Court of the United States.

James F. Canterbury
President of the United States

James F. Canterbury
Governor of New Alcantara
50th President of the United States
49th Vice President of the United States
Former Secretary of State
Former Attorney General
Former Special Advisor to the President
Former First Legislator
Former Governor

Beiträge: 1 610

Beruf: Politician

Wohnort: El Conjunto

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

What's Up?
United in diversity.
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Samstag, 10. Dezember 2016, 06:07

White House, Astoria City, AS | December 10th, 2016


Dear President of Congress,

nach Art. IV Sec. 1 (8) Constitution bitte ich um das Rederecht vor dem Kongress der Vereinigten Staaten
für den 25. Dezember 2016,
um den ehrenwerten Congressmen
Bericht über die Lage unserer Nation zu erstatten.

James F. Canterbury
President of the United States

James F. Canterbury
Governor of New Alcantara
50th President of the United States
49th Vice President of the United States
Former Secretary of State
Former Attorney General
Former Special Advisor to the President
Former First Legislator
Former Governor

Beiträge: 1 610

Beruf: Politician

Wohnort: El Conjunto

Bundesstaat: New Alcantara

What's Up?
United in diversity.
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Sonntag, 8. Januar 2017, 04:35

The White House, Astoria City | January 8th, 2017

The President and Vice President of Congress
c/o The Presidential Office
Capitol Hill
Astoria City, AS

Concerning the Leadership of the U. S. Electoral Office

Honorable President of Congress,
honorable Vice President of Congress,

nachdem sich die Ernennung der Direktoren des Wahlamts offenbar verzögert, da die Bereitschaft zur Direktion von Ms. Walken unklar scheint und die Erstellung des Wählerverzeichnisses bald ansteht, sehe ich es als notwendig an, einen Acting Director zu bestellen. Der Federal Election Act sagt diesbezüglich, dass der Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, der Sprecher des Repräsentantenhauses und der Präsident des Senates die Führung des Bundeswahlamtes bis zur Beseitigung des Hindernisses selbst übernehmen oder sie einem Bürger der Vereinigten Staaten übertragen kann. Da das Ernennungsrecht eines Acting Directors hier nicht klar meiner Person übertragen ist, schlage ich Ihnen beiden Mr. James Barnett als Acting Director vor; sofern Sie keine Einwände hegen, würde ich ihn ernennen.
Ich hoffe dass wir im Sinne unserer Demokratie eine rasche Lösung herbeiführen können.

Most sincerely

James F. Canterbury
The President of the United States

James F. Canterbury
Governor of New Alcantara
50th President of the United States
49th Vice President of the United States
Former Secretary of State
Former Attorney General
Former Special Advisor to the President
Former First Legislator
Former Governor