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[Discussion] Neuwahl des Speaker

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Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
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Samstag, 28. Juni 2014, 11:21

Neuwahl des Speaker

Honorable Commoners,

4 der 11 Mitglieder der Assembly haben eine Neuwahl des Speaker beantragt. Dieser Antrag ist damit gültig.
Daher finden Neuwahlen für das Amt des Speaker statt.
Die Kandidaturenphase dauert bis 24 Stunden nach Einreichen der ersten Kandidatur.

Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State

Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
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Samstag, 28. Juni 2014, 11:22

Honorable Commoners,

ich kandidiere.

Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State

Beiträge: 2 195

Beruf: Politican

Wohnort: Astoria City

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

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Samstag, 28. Juni 2014, 14:20

Honorable Commoners,
ich lehne dieses Vorgehen gegen den Speaker ab und unterstütze die erneute Kandidatur von Commoner Wells.

Matthew Carrión "Matt" Lugo (D-AS)
53rd President of the United States
Former Governor of Astoria | Former Senior Advisor to the President (B. Laval II Administration) | Former Lieutenant Governor of Astoria State
Liberty State

Zefram Thyssen

U.S. Citizen

Beiträge: 81

Beruf: Journalist

Wohnort: Astoria City

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

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Sonntag, 29. Juni 2014, 14:23

Honorable Commoners,

ich erkläre ebenfalls meine Kandidatur.
Zefram Thyssen
Editor-in-chief, NewsWeek™

Sándor Nagy

Proud Jurastorian

Beiträge: 392

Beruf: Lawyer

Wohnort: Georgetown, Astoria State

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

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Sonntag, 29. Juni 2014, 14:27

Honorable Commoners,

Ich unterstütze die Kandidatur von Commoner Thyssen.
Dr. Sándor Nagy

Dumitru Șefului

Șef din Astoria State

Beiträge: 804

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Wells Free! Thanks God! #Wells #Propagandaking #Despotism #Slaveholder
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Sonntag, 29. Juni 2014, 14:37

Honorable Commoners,

Ich ebenso
Former Governor of Astoria State
Conqueror of the Wells Dynasty

Quinn Michael Wells

Former Head of State

Beiträge: 10 046

Beruf: Fr. Vice President

Wohnort: Greenville

Bundesstaat: Astoria State

What's Up?
Astor's dead! Long live Astor!
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Sonntag, 29. Juni 2014, 18:25

Honorable Commoners,

innerhalb der Kandidaturenfrist hat sich ein Kandidat gefunden.
Die Kandidatur von Commoner Thyssen wurde nach Ende der Kandidaturenfrist eingereicht und ist somit ungültig. Die Abstimmung wird in Kürze eingeleitet.

Quinn Michael Wells, Laureate of the Presidential Honor Star

Former (XXXVII.) Vice President of the US | Former Senator of Astoria State | Former SotI | Former Vice-Presidential Nominee | Former Speaker of the Assembly
3 Times Governor of Astoria State
Record: Longest consecutive Term and most days in office as Governor of Astoria State