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[Peninsula] St. Vincent

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Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 02:00

*Gives her his jacket*

It's getting a bit chilly, let's go into the club house shall we? I hope they've got a hotel nearby, cause it's kainda getting late for leaving the island by plane.
Charles Kevin Darling
Former-Governor of the State of Peninsula

Beiträge: 330

Beruf: Journalistin

Wohnort: Santa Clara, Peninsula

Bundesstaat: -

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Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 02:04

Tanks for the jacket.
My house has a guestroom. You can stay the night here und take a plane tomorrow.
101% lesbian ;)
Amanda Lee Rogers

Besitzerin der Santa Clara Hammerheads
Kommentatorin der FTA


Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 02:07

Well that's a nice offer.
i have to see, how I can return the favor.
Charles Kevin Darling
Former-Governor of the State of Peninsula

Beiträge: 330

Beruf: Journalistin

Wohnort: Santa Clara, Peninsula

Bundesstaat: -

  • Nachricht senden


Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 02:10

Oh well, I can't let you sleep under the pure sky.
It's ok.
101% lesbian ;)
Amanda Lee Rogers

Besitzerin der Santa Clara Hammerheads
Kommentatorin der FTA


Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 02:11


*They slowly move towards her house and have some more small talk*

Is that the house over there?
Charles Kevin Darling
Former-Governor of the State of Peninsula

Beiträge: 330

Beruf: Journalistin

Wohnort: Santa Clara, Peninsula

Bundesstaat: -

  • Nachricht senden


Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 02:15

No, it's the smaller over here.
Small but mine. ;)
The guestroom is in the first floor. I sleep upstairs in the second floor. Bath is over here and the kitchen there.
101% lesbian ;)
Amanda Lee Rogers

Besitzerin der Santa Clara Hammerheads
Kommentatorin der FTA


Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 02:18

Ah thank you. That's too kind. Ah by the way, do you know where they've got a smal Drug Store or super market around here?
Charles Kevin Darling
Former-Governor of the State of Peninsula

Beiträge: 330

Beruf: Journalistin

Wohnort: Santa Clara, Peninsula

Bundesstaat: -

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Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 02:18

Yes it's down the street. Nearly 3/4 mile.
101% lesbian ;)
Amanda Lee Rogers

Besitzerin der Santa Clara Hammerheads
Kommentatorin der FTA


Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 02:21

Ah okay. Thank you. So well thanks again for the nice evening and everything and well good night then I suppose.
Charles Kevin Darling
Former-Governor of the State of Peninsula

Beiträge: 330

Beruf: Journalistin

Wohnort: Santa Clara, Peninsula

Bundesstaat: -

  • Nachricht senden


Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 02:23

Okay. Good night and sleep well
Goes upstairs in her bedroom and falls asleep very soon.
101% lesbian ;)
Amanda Lee Rogers

Besitzerin der Santa Clara Hammerheads
Kommentatorin der FTA


Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 08:52

*Charles wakes up, gets himself cleaned up and goes outside to look for a grocery shop which he eventually finds. Buys a few things and then goes to a bakery and gets fresh bread and rolls. Back at her house he makes himself something to eat, eats it and then prepares her breakfast and displaces it on her kitchen table. He then leaves the house and heads for the airport where he catches his flight bringing him back to his office.*
Charles Kevin Darling
Former-Governor of the State of Peninsula

Beiträge: 330

Beruf: Journalistin

Wohnort: Santa Clara, Peninsula

Bundesstaat: -

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Dienstag, 26. Juni 2007, 17:14

(Back to German)
Wurde von der Sonne, die mittlerweile aufgegangen ist, geweckt. Nach einer Dusche ist sie in die Küche runtergegangen und dort ein perfekt gemachtes Frühstück vorgefunden. Genießt das Frühstück und fleigt anschließend nach Santa Clara zurück.
101% lesbian ;)
Amanda Lee Rogers

Besitzerin der Santa Clara Hammerheads
Kommentatorin der FTA